A 71 year old Michael Graver tries to stop several robbers as they try to break into a jewellers. The robbers were armed with sledgehammers and arrived on stolen scooters. he was attempting to fight them with a heavy leather bag, although the men did escape with £22,000 worth of watches Michael Graver acted very bravely in his attempt to stop them.
Full story and video (HERE)
Lori Anne Madison is the youngest to ever go to the Us National spelling bee. Being only 6 years old, and competing against contestants up to 15 years old. the grand prize for this spelling bee is $40,000 here are some quotes from the article. "Lori Anne Madison was given the word dirigible to spell, after lowering the microphone to meet her height, the six-year-old asked for a definition. She then promptly spelled the word and walked off with a smile." she also Correctly spelled words such as "philately" "hafiz" and "flibbertigibbet".
This story called Toying with gun control from The Washington Times, talks about reasons why guns should not be outlawed. i agree that they should not be outlawed for reasons of protecting yourself and you're family. The article gave an example of an situation in London where gangs were robing shops and killing people that got in there way, in this situation the police were overwhelmed and had to retreat. in the end it was the store owners, firing from rooftops, with there own personal fire arms that protected there own lives, goods and families. I think this is a great example of why guns should not be outlawed.
Full Sory (Here)
There is a new car from Google that requires no driver, the car itself has been given a licence. The car has been loaded with very special software package originally designed by Google for use in and around the company. The car has radar and video cameras. The only time it have been in a crash is when it was driven by a person.
Melba Baker holds some of the golf ball hail that fell at her home in Cunningham, Texas, Two large thunderstorms brought rain and damaging winds to Texas as well as tornadoes.
Thurman, Iowa has been severly dammaged about 75% of the town was distroyed but there wer no injuries and no deaths in the town of about 250 people.